How To Easily Remove Skin Tags, Moles, Blackheads, Spots And Warts By Using Natural Remedies

Skin problems such as moles, blackheads, acne and skin tags affect a big part of the population and occur due to poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Hormone imbalance, excessive sun exposure and leading and an unhealthy lifestyle are also factors for these problems which can ruin a person’s self-esteem.

 There are many store-bought cosmetic products and expensive skin treatments that can resolve these skin problems and make your skin look perfect again. However, they are expensive and often have side-effects which can do a lot more harm than good. Luckily, there are more than a few natural remedies which can easily remove blackheads, acne, skin tags and warts completely naturally and without damaging your skin.
Skin tags

Skin tags are benign growths on the skin that appear on the chest, eyelids, neck, and armpits. They are mainly caused by skin friction and usually removed by cryogenic treatments or minor surgery. However, there are many natural ingredients that can help remove them, with apple cider vinegar being considered the best. To remove skin tags with ACV, soak a cotton ball in the liquid and apply it on the skin tag, then secure it with a bandage and leave it to work overnight. This should eliminate the tags in mere days.

A mixture of baking soda and castor oil can also remove your skin tags. Mix equal amounts of the ingredients until you get a paste, then apply it to the affected areas and leave it to work for a few hours. Repeat the process 3 times a day, and the tags should be gone soon.

Tea tree oil is another great method for removing skin tags. Soak a cotton ball in water and put a few drops of tea tree oil on it as well, then apply the cotton ball directly on the skin tag and repeat the process 3 times a day for best results.


Warts can occur everywhere on the body including the genitalia and are usually caused by the HPV virus. They are usually skin colored and small and round and are removed with cryogenic or salicylic acid treatments. However, the following natural remedies can help as well:

Take a banana peel and rub the inside on your warts every night before going to bed for a few weeks and it should be gone soon.

Another effective method for warts is ACV. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the wart, then leave it to work for a full day before putting a new one. Regular use of this method will shrink warts and they will eventually fall off.

Garlic is another great natural remedy against warts. Crush a few garlic cloves and apply the juice on warts – repeat the process twice a day for best results.

Honey can remove warts efficiently as well – just rub some on them directly and put a bandage on the wart. Leave the honey to work overnight and repeat the process until the wart falls off.


 Moles can affect anyone regardless of age or gender and occur due to excessive sun exposure or genetics. They are difficult to remove, but luckily, garlic can do it flawlessly.

Cut a garlic clove in half and apply it on the mole, but make sure to protect the surrounding area with some tape or petroleum jelly. Leave the garlic to work its magic for 4 hours, then rinse with plenty of water and repeat the process every day.

Another great option against moles is a mixture of baking soda and castor oil. Make a paste of the ingredients and apply it on the mole, then cover with a bandage and leave it to work overnight.

Rinse with water in the morning and repeat the process every night before going to bed to eliminate your moles.

Apple cider vinegar is a champion against any kind of skin problem including moles. Just like with the previous treatments, soak a cotton ball in ACV and apply it on the mole, then put a bandage over it and leave the remedy to work for more than 8 hours. Using this method regularly will get rid of your moles in no time.

Clogged Pores

Our pores can easily get clogged by dirt and excess oil in the skin, resulting in an uneven texture and other problems. To clean your clogged pores, you can use steaming. Just boil water in a pot and lean over it with your head covered with a towel. Let the steam clean your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with some ACV in the end.

Sugar scrubs are another great way of cleaning out clogged pores. Mix some sugar and lemon juice, then rub the paste on your skin and rinse with plenty of water in the end.

Dark Spots

Dark spots on the skin usually appear as a result of aging or sun overexposure. Although rare, liver problems can also cause their development. They are almost impossible to remove, but luckily, the following natural remedies can help:

Rub some fresh Aloe Vera gel on the dark spots and leave it to work for about 30 minutes to reduce their appearance. However, for the method to work, you need to use fresh Aloe gel taken directly from a leaf of the plant.

Lemon juice is a powerful bleacher that can reduce the appearance of dark spots on your skin. Apply some with a cotton ball and repeat the process every day until you see results.

Onions can help as well – just blend a few and apply the juice on the affected areas, leaving it to work for 15 minutes before rinsing with water.

Here’s another great method against dark spots on the skin – mix some grated horseradish with apple cider vinegar and apply the mixture on your dark spots, leaving it to work for 30 minutes. Repeat the process every day and they should fade away soon.

 Finally, organic vitamin C serum works great against dark spots on the skin. This is a chemical-free agent that will remove the dark spots and rejuvenate your skin as well.